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Revising the Legacies

In 2019, discussions about the use of pronouns and the word "God" in the Al-Anon Legacies began in the Maine Area.  A Thought Force  was formed to research the topic using polling and the Knowledge Based Decisions Making (KBDM) process.  The Thought Force report was presented at the 2020 Fall Assembly.   Subsequently, the GRs at Fall Assembly 2021 approved the creation of a Task Force to develop a letter to mail to registered groups in Maine requesting their input on this topic.  Materials relevant to this process are included here:

Discussion of Financial Reserves

Discussions about the financial reserves of Maine Al-Anon have been ongoing from 2017 to 2022 during Area Assembly workshops and Thought Force presentations.  That work is documented in the attached PDF and Powerpoint files.  At the 2021 Fall Assembly, GRs passed a motion to form a Task Force to design an Ample Reserve Fund for the Maine Area. At the 2022 Fall Assembly, GRs approved the funding of an ample reserve  covering essential services for the Maine Area. 





Background Checks for Alateen Sponsors

In 2014 & 2015, the Maine Area researched & discussed the idea of background checks for Al-Anon members sponsoring Alateen groups.  The following document presents a series of motions in order to move the process forward.   At the 2015 Fall Assembly, the first motion was defeated, ending the discussion.  This document is a record of the work done by the Task Force studying the issue.

Calculating The Ample Reserve

How Should The Maine Area Use Its Cash Balance

Legacy Wording Thought Force Report

Group Response - Legacy Wording

Legacy Wording Discussion Guide

Legacy Wording Letters to Groups

Seven Year Actual

Essential Expenses Worksheet

Ample Reserve Presentation

Ample Reserve Presentation Script Fall Assembly 2022


Want to know your group's history?

Why not complete a Group History Form?  The purpose of the form is to assist your group in preserving and recording its history, as well as to understand and appreciate its formative days and growth. Each group is a vital part of Al-Anon as a while in reaching out to relatives and friends of alcoholics. It may be helpful to form a committee consisting of several members, to gather information for completing this form and to speak with longtime members of the group. Any additional information about the group can be compiled and attached to this questionnaire.

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